1st Transaction:
1 Dr. Scholl for Her Hidden Arch Support
1 Dr. Scholl for Her Rough Skin Eraser
$2 mgf Dr. Scholl Arch Support
2 $5 Store Coupon Dr. Scholl's
Total: $2.40 + Received $5RR
2nd Transaction:
1 Dr. Scholl for Her Hidden Arch Support
1 Dr. Scholl for Her Rough Skin Eraser
$2 mgf Dr. Scholl Arch Support
2 $5 Store coupon Dr. Scholl's
Total: $2.40 + Received $5RR
3rd Transaction:
9 Hamburger Helper
4 Act 2 Popcorn
1 Butterfinger
2 Old El Paso Taco Shells
8 Kraft Mac n' Cheese
2 Maruchan Teriakyi Meals
3 $.75/3 Hamburger Helper
4 $.55/2 Mac n' Cheese
1 $1/2 Maruchan Meals
2 $1/2 Act 2 Popcorn
1 $.60/2 Old El Paso Products
Walgreens Mac n' Cheese coupon- $4.80 off
Walgreens Butterfinger coupon- $.11 off
2 $5 RR from previous transactions
Total OOP: $4.75!!
Total Savings for these 3 transactions were $62.55!
That makes for some really cheap food! Good think the kids and I eat Hamburger Helper and Mac n' Cheese alot!
4th Transaction:
2 Dr. Scholl's Ball of Foot insoles
2 Dawn Dish Soap
2 $5 Store Coupon
2 $2 mfg Dr. Scholl's
1 $.50 mgf Dawn
1 $.25 mgf Dawn
Total OOP: $1.23 + received $5RR
I now have 1 $5RR saved for another purchase!
So far my OOP is $8.38 + $5RR for future purchase with a total savings of $77.30! That is not counting how much more I saved since all the grocery items were also on sale. If I have figured that correctly, I have a 89% savings! Plus $5 to use next time! I hope to do another purchase or two tomarrow to get a couple more RR.
Great job Sarah! We go through the mac & cheese around here too :)